Seven Springs Trout Hatchery Ltd.

Ballyhampton Rd. North Larne , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (28) 28260977
Fax: +44 (353) (28) 28272

In 2011, Troutex bought a 66% share of the Seven Springs Trout Hatchery Ltd in Northern Ireland. The farm was rebuild with the single purpose of creating a state of the art brood stock facility for summer production of ova. The stocks at the farm had been part of an ambitious breeding program in a cooperation between their previous owner Dawnfresh Farming Ltd and using the services of Landcatch Natural Selection, now Hendrix. The broodstock showed promising results in terms of speed of growth, yield and FCR. The strain of rainbow trout was found to fit well within the Troutex business and their breeding objectives described elsewhere on this homepage. 
