Kok Spaarndam BV

Snoekweg 4/6 Raamsdonksveer , Netherlands
Tel: +31 162 518 877
Fax: +31 162 518 866

Email: kokspaarndam@hetnet.nl

Website: http://www.kokspaarndam.com

Core activities: Our core activity is the smoking of eel, salmon and trout in the old fashioned way of hanging the fish for smoking. This traditional method of smoking is a clear hallmark of the current company management. In addition to eel, salmon and trout, W. Kok Spaarndam B.V. supplies a wide assortment of deepfreeze fish specialities to fish shops, and to the fish and restaurant wholesale trade. Together with the traditional quality of the smoked products, service and trustworthiness form the basis for further development both at home and abroad. Royal Appointment: In 1960, on the occasion of its centenary, the company was granted the right to display the Royal Crest by H.M. Queen Juliana in combination with the title “Hofleverancier” (by Royal Appointment). This is an honour which is, understandably, still displayed with pride. The title “Hofleverancier” is given amongst others for proven quality and continuity of the company. It reflects the respect, esteem and trust of the Royal household.
