PREDOMAR -Preengorde de Doradas para Maricultura S.L.-

Ctra Faro mesa roldan, S/N Carboneras , Spain
Tel: +34 950 136 146
Fax: +34 950 136 022


PREDOMAR SL (Preengorde de Doradas para Maricultura S.L.) was created in 1999 and implements its current location in the TM of Carboneras (Almería), on the beach of Martinicas. It is therefore a young company, but has personnel experienced in the Marine Aquaculture world who know all phases of development of marine farming as they have been working since 1986 in fingerling production facility (hatchery) of prefattening (nursery) and fattening (floating cages). Our vocation is aquaculture, and combine our facilities on the one hand the production of fry and juveniles of marine fish, along with an active effort on R + D + i with different species suitable for marine aquaculture as culture technologies for different sustainable development activity. 
