Brunswick Jetters Ltd.

2530 Jenkinson Road Powell River , Canada
Tel: +1 604.487.1146




Net & System Cleaning Experts since 2002 - Healthy farmed fish result from excellent, well maintained cultivation conditions. Finfish marine farm nets tend to accumulate naturally-occurring marine organisms during seasonal spatfall sets—notably mussels, bryozoans and caprillids. As fouling organisms develop, they restrict life-giving water flow to the penned fish. If such accumulations are left to maturity, they harbour bacteria, tax oxygen levels, and can weigh down attachment points, flotation pontoons, and supportive anchoring systems. Historically, net cleaning has been a reactive measure, with maintenance often left until fouling organisms had grown to a size considered problematic. The reactive approach has involved cumbersome net changes, or teams of divers operating underwater with hand-held washing units to clean the nets in place—inefficient and expensive. Advancements in technology now permit a revolutionary new method of net washing that is at once convenient, cost effective, efficient, and effective. TeslaH2O™, is completing site trials with Brunswick Jetters, and will be available soon!
