
5303 Shilshole Avenue Seattle , United States of America
Tel: +1 206 783 8200
Fax: +1 206 281 4484
Tel: +1 206 781 7260
Fax: +1 425 407 4010

Email: sales@portchatham.com

Website: http://www.portchatham.com

Port Chatham Smoked Seafood is a leading provider of high quality, wild smoked seafood from the Pacific Northwest and Alaska, since 1935. We are a customer driven organization steeped in the traditional Alaskan values of hard work and accountability. Our strong belief and practice is to participate in an environmentally sustainable seafood marketplace. In 2004, NorQuest Seafoods and Port Chatham Smoked Seafood became a wholly owned subsidiary of Trident Seafoods. Our Portlock brand is synonymous with premium quality smoked seafood and can be found in specialty retail shops, grocery stores, restaurants, hotels, and cruise ships.
