Landesfischereiverband Niedersachsen e.V.

Johannssenstr. 10 Hannover , Germany
Tel: +49 5 11-36 65-14 98



The association is responsible for the fishermen and fish farmers and those interested in fishing in the areas Small deep-sea fishing, Crabs and coastal fisheries, River and lake fishing, Trout aquaculture, Carp farming, Recirculation systems and technical aquaculture Prospective customers and small fish farmers. The bundling of the association representing the interests of fishing driving is a crucial prerequisite for the achievement of the objectives in the fishery.  The Association seeks its goals in particular through measures of sound fisheries, fish farming and fish farming, taking into account the interests of a proper and professional nature, animals and the environment. ---------- Der Verband hat die Aufgabe, die Fischer und Fischzüchter sowie Interessenten der Fischerei in den Sparten Kleine Hochseefischerei, Krabben- und Küstenfischerei, Fluss- und Seenfischerei, Forellenteichwirtschaft, Karpfenteichwirtschaft, Kreislaufanlagen und Technische Aquakultur, Interessenten und Kleinteichwirte 
