Seafood Action Center A/S - CamSac A/S

Jernbanegade 29 Middelfart , Denmark
Tel: +45 64 41 70 14
Fax: +45 64 41 70 19



Seafood Action Center was founded in 1993, by Henrik Lauge Jørgensen, as a privately owned trading company.  The company was based on nearly 20 years of experience in fishbusiness, and trade agreements with Chile, Cia Pesquera Camanchaca as well as Greenland and Danish producers of different seafood products. In 1999 we separated the part of the business Cia Pesquera Camanchaca, out of Seafood Action Center A/S into a new limited company CamSac A/S. This company is working only on behalf of Cia Pesquera Camanchaca in Chile. The co-operation has proven very successful.  Prime customers all over Europe, are today enjoying the high quality products from Cia Pesquera Camanchaca. The growth in sales has been very dramatic and encouraging. To strengthen marketing of the Camanchaca products and to simplify the business, all Camanchaca business has been separated from Seafood Action Center A/S, and moved into a new limited company CamSac A/S in 1999. Cia Pesquera Camanchaca is the biggest privately owned seafood company in Chile. The 25 vessels fishing fleet is plying the Chilean waters for, Langostinos and Horse Mackerel. Farming and processing of Salmon, Trout, Scallops, Mussels, and that is making the company complete.
