OUG - Osaka Uoichiba Co., Ltd. (Uoichi Co.,Ltd.)

Tel: +81 6-6469-2170
Fax: +81 6-6469-2094

Email: info@uoichi.co.jp

Website: http://www.uoichi.co.jp

We are a seafood wholesaler. Since its establishment in 1947, Osaka Uoichiba Co., Ltd. Co. has been engaged in the wholesale business in the Central Wholesale Market (now: OUG Holdings, Inc.) after the company split, Osaka newborn fish Corporation and the market fish, Ltd. Wakayama group since October 2007, was born in Shiga Prefecture Fish Market, Inc. and integrated. Our wholesale business conduct (business shipper), the founding company was in business succession from OUG Holdings Inc., owns about 60 years of history and know-how already. However, Japan is aging and declining population, the pursuit of food safety, and structural changes in logistics also the environment surrounding the industry distribution of fisheries products to position us has changed dramatically, the pace of change will continue to will continue to accelerate. 
