Scan Aqua AS

Havbruksstasjonen, Hammerfest , Norway
Tel: +47 78 41 01 30
Fax: +47 92 04 25 02




Scan Aqua has included a process of enhancing the roe quality. Following capture, the sea urchins are put in specially designed boxes and fed a formulated diet for 2-3 months. During this period the roe content increases from typically 5%to 15-25%. Each sea urchin contains 5 lobes of roe. The lobe size increases proportionally. The enhancement process also improves the colour, which becomes more vivid yellow-orange. The roe of sea urchins is not only a reproductive organ, but also a storage for nutrition. Well nurished sea urchins will store excess energy in nutritional storage cells within the roe. These cells are high in carbohydrates with a sweet taste.The process of packing sea urchin roe also includes post harvest enhancement. Roe taken directly from the shell is very soft and watery, and will not endure handling and transportation well. After extracting the roe, it is soaked in 5 different saline solutions, and then airdried for a few hours.This improves the texture, and makes the lobes contract to form the familiar orange-like sections that subsequently are packed on trays. 03/02/2009 Norinnova Invest AS has now invested in the sea urchin manufacturer Scan Aqua, which is one of Origo's portfolio businesses. Norinnova Invest owns thus 16% of the shares, while the other is aksjehaverne Origo Kapital AS Norinnova, Jan Arve Gjøvik and several small shareholders.
