Lallemand Animal Nutrition

19 Rue des Briquetiers Blagnac Cedex , France
Tel: +33 5 62 74 55 55


Lallemand Animal Nutrition is dedicated to the development, production and marketing of natural and differentiated solutions for animal nutrition and health. Our objective is to develop and offer products and services that bring value to the producer while respecting the environment and the balance of ecosystems, answering growing consumer demand for safe and natural food and ingredients. Core products include live bacteria for probiotics and silage inoculants, specific yeast with demonstrated metabolic activity in different species of animals, mineral rich yeast and high-value yeast derivatives. Lallemand’s Animal Nutrition activities began in 1988 with the acquisition of the Equilait / Equipharm bacteria plant in Aurillac (France) and an agreement signed with Omnium Homeopathique Francais (O.H.F.), which led to the development of two active dry yeasts: Levucell SCR and Levucell SBR.
