SRRR - Stowarzyszenie Rozwoju Rynku Rybnego / Fish Market Development Association

Hutnicza 34 Gdynia, ul. , Poland
Tel: +48 509 430 369
Fax: +48 586 642 758



Wanting to take advantage of the new conditions are encountered with the Polish accession to the European Union founded in September 2005 to the Fish Market Development Association - an organization that on behalf of the Polish fishing industry will be: stimulation of the development of the fish market structures actions leading to an increase in fish consumption in Poland promotion malocennych species and not fully used by the industry and trade finding new markets for fish and fish products extension of markets for technology used in the processing of fish and fishery (machinery and equipment for processing and packaging equipment and materials, equipment and hygiene, refrigeration, food additives) creating a positive image of the Polish fishing industry. Our business, which is to support the development of the fisheries industry as a whole, will be effective and purposeful if we manage to meet your expectations
