At Open Ocean Trading, we believe that the best product can only be delivered from the source. Therefore it is our goal to focus on the production phase of the supply chain - the fishermen and farmers.
Our network of innovative yet traditional harvesters range from long liners to gillnetters and trappers to farmers, who take pride in their product. Unlike many common fish companies, we do not keep our network to ourselves, we allow our buyers and sellers to directly negotiate in forward time via the FYSH-X platform. This direct communication allows for the greatest efficiency to be achieved in the supply chain, and the freshest product to arrive in the marketplace.
Through the invention of this new procurement method, many new services had to be developed for the seafood industry. Open Ocean Trading and its affiliate companies are excited to offer these new products to the buyers and sellers of the seafood industry.
-Forward Contracting
-Harvest Brokering
-Trade Clearing
-Centralized Distribution Hubs
-Vessel Unloading