MAPO - Movimiento Argentino para la Producción Orgánica

Sarmiento 1562 – Piso 6, Oficina F C.A.B.A. - Ciudad Autonoma Buenos Aires , Argentina
Tel: +54 (011) 4382-5562


The MAPO, Argentine Movement for Organic Production, the nongovernmental organization is most important organic Argentina. Forming Civil Society Nonprofit, MAPO was created in 1995 when capitalized experience Ecoagro members and PROTIERRA, both organic NGOs created in the previous decade with informal structures, very active in the early and starter the diffusion of organic production in the country. Currently the MAPO, several of its founding members continue to work in this organization that it brings together all entities, individuals, companies or NGOs, that relate in any way to organic production, and establishing contacts and agreements with small-minded organizations across the country. Since its gestation were MAPO members who participated, together with the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Food (SAGPyA), in the drafting of the National Standards of Organic Production Plant and Animal (SAGPyA Res No. 423 / 92 and 1286/93 respectively).
