Welcome to The Fishinglights Company. Our lights are designed to attract bait fish, which in turn, attract larger fish. The use of GREEN light in our fishing lights emulates the underwater lighting conditions of early dawn, which stimulates feeding. GREEN light also travels farther in water than other colors. Check out our line of fully submersible 12-volt DC fishing lights and find the ONE that is right for you!
We've been VERY busy for several years studying LEDs and Fishing Lights. We have a pile of prototypes that looked good on paper, but just didn't make the final cut. Technology has progressed to the point where we can have LEDs that are brighter than fluorescent lights, won't kill your battery, are extremely durable and can be priced reasonably. We build ours in Texas. They won't leak, crack or fail after a year or two. Check the imports. They just don't compare. Most of our components are made in the USA.