Siu (See-u) Alaska Corporation (Siu) is a wholly owned for-profit subsidiary of the Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation (NSEDC).
As a wholly owned subsidiary of NSEDC, Siu's functions include the management of current and future for-profit investments. Distributions from these investments will go to NSEDC so that they can continue to provide programs and benefits within the Norton Sound region. Siu will invest in businesses that form synergies with its other assets and therefore bring additional direct income to the company and region.
Siu Alaska Corporation Operations:
Glacier Fish Company: F/T Alaska Ocean, C/P Glacier Bay, F/T Northern Glacier, C/P Norton Sound, F/T Pacific Glacier
Aleutian No. 1 LLC : F/V Aleutian No. 1
GB Fisheries LLC: C/P Glacier Bay
Pacific Star Fisheries LLC: F/V Pacific Star