Rosfjord Seafood AS

Postboks 40 Agnefest , Norway
Tel: +47 38 34 40 20
Fax: +47 38 34 40 50



The production plant Rosfjord Seafood AS is located on the the south western part of Norway. The Company receives and processes fresh Herring, Mackerel, Shrimps and several types of Codfish. The catch is landed by both local fishing vessels and larger ocean going seiners and trawlers. The catch is processed under the strict Norwegian Quality regulations which ensure top quality Rosfjord Seafood AS has an annual turnover of more than 70 mill. NOK. Yearly volume of production is approximately: Herring and mackerel: 15.000 tons Shrimps: 5-600 tons White fish (Cod, Saithe etc.): 300 tons We have our own brand, the blue "Nordlys Brand" (Northen Light Brand) that identify and are symbolic for the clear, clean and fresh cold quality that are common for our range of fresh deep frozen fish products.
