Nils Sperre AS / Sperre Trading AS

Ellingsoy Aalesund , Norway
Tel: +47 70 11 54 00
Fax: +47 70 11 54 01



Nils Sperre AS is based in Aalesund, in the North West of Norway. Our plant is strategically located in relation to some of the best fishing grounds in the world, lying off the coast of Norway, which include the Barents Sea, Norwegian Sea and North Sea. These are fishing grounds dominated by a cold, clean climate, giving excellent breeding conditions for fish. Their close proximity to our facility ensures that the high quality of the products can be preserved through the whole value chain, from the fishing grounds, through processing and shipped on to the customer. Our customers can always be assured that the products we sell are of the highest quality. Nils Sperre AS has a long track record of good relations with the fishing fleet. A stable network of fishing vessels lands their catches at our facility, resulting in good and stable access of raw materials. Our purchasers have an extensive market network, enabling us to localize and provide the products our customers request at all times. Nils Sperre AS has its own port facilities, enabling us to handle catch landings from several vessels simultaneously. We can also handle loading and unloading of large reefer vessels, giving us an extra dimension within logistics. Aalesund has its own container port with regular feeder traffic to the largest container hubs in Europe, enabling us to ship goods door-to-door in an efficient and rational manner.
