Scantrol Deep Vision AS

Sandviksboder 1C Bergen , Norway
Tel: +47 55 30 15 19



Scantrol Deep Vision AS is located in the Sandviken harbour of Bergen, Norway, a stone’s throw from the city centre. The company resides in the same office location as its sister company Scantrol AS, keeping close to the knowhow that has been developed at Scantrol over a number of years delivering control systems to the fisheries, marine research and offshore industries. The two companies also share a worldwide sales and support network. 2014 marked a new era for the company’s activity in marine research as Scantrol decided to separate this activity into Scantrol Deep Vision in order to keep a unique focus on our marine research products and customers. The renewed drive to develop these products that Scantrol has worked with over a number of years, makes us able to give our customers a new level of support and keep a continuous focus on developing cutting edge solutions for fish sampling and survey. Scantrol Deep Vision’s team is dedicated to the development and sales of our fish measuring board, the FishMeter, and our underwater camera system, Deep Vision. To develop these products the company has worked in close cooperation with Institue of Marine Research in Bergen, located just across the fjord from our offices, and is a partner in CRISP, Centre for Research-based Innovation in Sustainable fish capture and Processing technology. After years of development and trials under Scantrol, the Deep Vision system is finally available for rental and sale for research purposes, revolutionizing fish surveys by sampling in the trawl without the need to bring the fish onboard the vessel. 2018 marks the start of a new era as the system will be developed for use in commercial fisheries making it possible to program and automatically sort the catch in the trawl by species and length. Deep Vision is a great leap towards more sustainable fisheries and ethical harvesting of the world’s marine resources.  
