Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina

Esmeralda 1212 C.A.B.A , Argentina
Tel: +54 11 4819-7000





The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is responsible for foreign affairs of the nation and its representation in international organizations and foreign governments . In this context , it is for the development of objectives and policies and the implementation of plans , programs and projects concerning various aspects that can be summarized as follows : - Political : the development and participation of the Republic in the processes of regional integration , participation in international organizations in global issues such as global governance, human rights , environment , combating transnational crime (terrorism , drug trafficking, trafficking, etc. . ) - Legal : processing treaties, border disputes and intervention in sovereign and commercial litigation , and matters relating to international judicial assistance ( legal rogatory , extradition requests ) . - Economic and trade : the formulation and conduct of processes of regional integration of the participating Argentina , as well as participation in bilateral and multilateral economic negotiations. The Foreign Ministry is responsible for the conduct of foreign commercial service and is involved in policy development of productive nature of foreign investment in the country. - Consular : the protection and assistance of the citizens and interests of Argentines abroad , as well as strengthening its ties with the Republic . - Worship : is responsible for relations with all religious organizations operating in the country and keeps track of them. - Cooperation : understood from the point of view of foreign policy , in the negotiation of international cooperation in different areas in coordination with the relevant ministries and other national bodies have competence in them. Promotes the development of programs of South-South cooperation through the Argentine Fund for Horizontal Cooperation. - Cultural : promotes and disseminates the image of the Republic abroad , in various aspects of national culture .
