CIP - Centro de Investigaciones Pesqueras

57 N.7817 /78 y 80 Ciudad Habana , Cuba
Tel: +53 2 608 834
Fax: +53 7 249 827



Is a Research Centre of the Ministry of Fisheries of Cuba's mission is to investigate, provide scientific and technical services and technology transfers on the management, cultivation and industrial processing of aquatic organisms that promote sustainable socio-economic benefit criteria with a scheme of self-management and total quality. OBJECTIVES Inquire about the management, cultivation and industrial processing of natural aquatic resources. Propose policies for the sustainable management of resources. Provide consulting, training and scientific and technical services. Technology transfer. Apply total quality policy of scientific-productive. Technical and methodological advice to industry. Contribute through the introduction of the results of Science and Technology to increase revenue from the Ministry of Fisheries. Self-finance the activities of the Fisheries Research Centre. Contributing to socioeconomic development.
