Akami Tuna Sdad. Coop.

Ctra Mu 603 Km 49.1 Mazarrón , Spain
Tel: +34 968 592 754

Email: akamituna@hotmail.com

Website: http://www.akamituna.com

Akami Tuna, S. Coop. is a company that was born on April 24, 2009, the union of a group of colleagues, who decided to take a journey together in the fish sector. In Akami Tuna, we are dedicated to handling, processing, packaging and storage of various types of fresh and frozen fish, one of our star products can be tuna in different varieties (Red, Bigeye, Yellowfin, etc), but also sell swordfish, octopus, squid, etc., he said, a great variety. We have now decided to expand our products and, in addition to fish, they also sell pre-cooked products, frozen sea, seafood and a wide variety of products from direct sales to both trade and the general public. Akami Tuna intended to be a hope for the future in our region, creating new jobs and business relationships, both within our region and region as a National and International level.
