Barcelona Science Park Baldiri Reixac, 10 Barcelona , Spain
Tel: +388 (+34) 934487265
Fax: +388 (+34) 934 490 0

Website: http://www.h2ocean-project.eu

H2OCEAN is a project aimed at developing an innovative design for an economically and environmentally sustainable multi-use open-sea platform. Wind and wave power will be harvested and part of the energy will be used for multiple applications on-site, including the conversion of energy into hydrogen that can be stored and shipped to shore as green energy carrier and a multi-trophic aquaculture farm. The H2Ocean work plan is structured around three interdependent and multidisciplinary components: the design of the platform concept, the development of technical solutions and the assessment of impact at different levels. The work structure has been designed to ensure the appropriate involvement and contribution from all Partners, the accurate integration of the different activities and the assessment of the platform as a whole (see PERT diagram). The work plan consists of 11 work packages: 9 WPs to perform the Research and Technology activity, including WP2 for Technical and Scientific Coordination to ensure technical coherence of the RTD actions and to provide a risk and contingency plan; WP11 for the Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation of results and WP1 for the overall Project Management. 5 WPS ARE FOCUSED ON SPECIFIC ACTIVITIES FOR THE DIFFERENT USES (ENERGY, TRANSPORT, AQUACULTURE) which include a Design and analysis of an autonomous offshore multi-trophic aquaculture system.
