For the past seven years Awers has been the largest supplier of Russian style salmon caviar in America. We operate our own processing plant, have refrigeration and freezer capacities, and export caviar to at least a dozen countries. The caviar goes though many stages before it reaches our customers. First, the caviar passes inspection in Alaska, and then again in our own plant. Our facility is operated under HACCP, GMP and SSOP requirements and is inspected by the US FDA, State regulators (WSDA) and local health inspectors. In addition, our plant is regularly inspected by the Orthodox Union. The roe is carefully selected with the help of technology and know-how by our experienced and proactive staff. We bring our packaging materials from Europe; its quality complies with the highest standards in the EU as well as the USA. Cans are lithographed with our original designs and covered inside with top quality enamel to ensure high safety standards for our product. We market the caviar under our own registered brand name “Red Pearl.” “Red Pearl” represents traditional Russian recipes made with high-quality American roe; it is a combination of good quality and excellent flavor, yet available at a very affordable price. In 2009, Awers was the first in the United States to produce product called Caviar Spread. This unique and healthy product with a delicate yet unforgettable taste is made from an original recipe made out of natural salmon caviar and vegetable oil developed by our company.