GIRA Foodservice SA.

18, avenue Marcel Anthonioz BP 28 Divonne-les-Bains , France
Tel: +33 (0)450 201 635
Fax: +33 (0)450 202 928



For many FOODSERVICE companies in France and throughout Europe, The GIRA research institute is a key source of information, often the leading source of market analysis data. GIRA was founded by Alan Gordon and Jacques Belay in 1970. Since its inception, the company has always understood that the FOODSERVICE sector is a dynamic industry due to the scope for change in work and leisure practices. The very first FOODSERVICE research in Europe was published in 1971, and the scope of this research expanded in line with changes in the European market. GIRA carried out FOODSERVICE monitoring research in 15 countries, acquiring a reputation with major food producers and restaurant and catering management operators across the continent. In 1989, GIRA reorganised its business activities and created GIRA Foodservice. This new company was designed to focus specifically on all aspects of the FOODSERVICE sector: restaurant and catering management and operator monitoring purchasing practices and needs analysis (food, beverages, equipment) distribution practices and operator activity analysis (wholesalers, cash & carry outlets, logistics service providers) changes in consumer behaviour and expectations of restaurant and catering services.
