South Australian Seafoods Pty. Ltd - Boston Bay Mussels

P.O. 2513, Port Lincoln , Australia
Fax: +61 08 8682 6844



South Australian Seafoods is the largest mussel producer in South Australia, producing more than 800T per year. Their magnificent Australian blue mussels are branded under ‘Boston Bay Mussels’ and ‘Spencer Gulf Mussels’. South Australian Seafoods is a fully integrated mussel growing, harvesting and processing company and is the largest mussel producer in South Australia. Their mussels are sold under the brands Boston Bay Mussels and Spencer Gulf Mussels. Mark Andrews is the owner of South Australian Seafoods. Mark worked for over 20 years producing Greenlipped mussels on a large scale in New Zealand and after searching the world for a suitable spot to set up his own business Mark immediately recognised the untapped potential of the Port Lincoln area for mussel growing. Mark brought his staff and technology from New Zealand and established South Australian Seafoods, which now has leases covering 208 hectares and produces 800T of mussels per year. Having a large number of leases in Boston Bay, Proper Bay and Louth Bay, gives Mark and his team an advantage in being able to choose from a year round supply of harvestable mussels with a consistently high meat to shell ratio.
