Since our start, the Ghost Fishing Foundation has been collaborating worldwide with various local groups of technical divers and salvage companies to remove lost fishing gear. With projects in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Croatia, Malta, Greece, United Kingdom and United States we work on existing projects, set up new ones and document these through visual media, informing a wide audience and raising social awareness. We exchanges solutions and best practices by maintaining a steady stream of information through social media, and a website that offers extensive information and possibilities for interaction. Ghost Fishing recently launched unique collaborations with several well know organizations like the Healthy Seas Initiative, World Animal Protection and Greenpeace and they are part of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI). The GGGI aims to improve the health of marine ecosystems, protect marine animals, and safeguard human health and livelihoods. GGGI is launched in September 2015 and is the first initiative dedicated to tackling the problem of ghost gear at a global scale. The GGGI’s strength lies in the diversity of its participants including the fishing industry, the private sector, academia, governments, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
