HINBEN AlgaeGlobal

303 502 Tait Crescent Saskatoon, Saskatchewan , Canada
Tel: +1 306-477-0460

Email: hinben@sasktel.net

Website: http://www.algaeglobal.com

CUSTOM DESIGNED ALGAE SYSTEMS - SMALL- MEDIUM-LARGE-&-TURNKEY SYSTEMS  Algae Information ALGAE   triples in volume  every day (unlike corn / 1 crop per year) ALGAE converts CO2 to O2 ALGAE - some over 50% Oil ALGAE converts easily to Bio-Fuel Corn = net 81 gallons bio-diesel / acre ( Once a year crop) vs.  Soy = net 41 gallons / acre ( Once a year crop)  vs.  ALGAE = up to 15,000 gallons / acre ( Crop every day) ALGAE is probably the best way to reduce  EXISTING CO2 Algae farms 5 times in size of the state of Colorado would begin to turn around global warming. What about "algae farms" 10 times that size?   Converting CO2 into O2, reversing global warming, reducing our dependence on foreign oil. And the algae wouldn't only be used for fuel.  The economics are much better if you also use the protein from the algae as animal feed or fertilizer. The profit motive alone gives us reason to move forward quickly. We have a team of consultants with many years of experience in the fields of hatchery management, nutrition, disease management and construction of new facilities as well as the renovation of older hatcheries and algae cultivation projects.
