Coopérative Le Gouessant - Group Headquarters

1 rue de La Jeannaie Z.I. BP 40 228 Lamballe , France
Tel: +33 02 96 30 72 72
Fax: +33 02 96 34 76 93



A specialist in animal nutrition, The Group Gouessant manufactures and markets a complete feed for farm animals of all products: pork, poultry, cattle, sheep, goats, horses, rabbits, fish ...  We are a cooperative that believes in the future of farming in Britain, as shown in our business plan, " Farms of four Suns . "Our commitment is based on cooperative   dialogue we have with members and   the support we provide through, inter alia, the redistribution of income and euro per pig. But they are also services to assist producers in their projects or allow them to adapt to regulatory changes.  As a cooperative specialist in animal nutrition, we aim to help farmers improve their technical and economic performance paying only what they need, thanks to the custom Gouessant.Our original approach to profitability is based on an experience of over 45 years and the trust of more than 3000 producers.  Today, with more than 900,000 tons of feed, the Gouessant is one of the leaders sector and has important industrial and human resources. 716 employees, a team of 12 nutritionists, veterinarians and 40 technicians and six pork plants certified ISO 9001 version 2000 allow   Gouessant to meet the most demanding and ranchers to be referenced by more than 40 specifications.
