DTU Aqua - National Institute of Aquatic Resources

Jægersborg Allé 1 Charlottenlund , Denmark
Tel: +45 35 88 33 00
Fax: +45 35 88 33 33

Email: info@dfu.min.dk

Website: http://www.dfu.min.dk

DTU Aqua – National Institute of Aquatic Resources – is an institute at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). DTU Aqua was previously known as DIFRES - Danish Institute for Fisheries Research. The purpose of DTU Aqua is to provide research, advice and education at the highest international level within the sustainable exploitation of living marine and freshwater resources, the biology of aquatic organisms and the development of ecosystems as well as their integration in ecosystem-based management. DTU Aqua’s activities are geared towards establishing the necessary knowledge, monitoring and management tools for implementing such an ecosystem-based approach. This calls for extensive cooperation between Danish and international research institutions as well as relevant public authorities, business sectors and other stakeholders. DTU Aqua deals with all types of marine areas from oceans to Danish waters and coastal areas, ecosystems in lakes and rivers and streams as well as aquaculture. The North Sea and the Baltic Sea, which are and have traditionally been significant for Danish interests, constitute key areas, but the Arctic and subarctic waters are also an important field of activity.
