Krillsea Group AS

, Norway
Tel: +47 70 300 100
Fax: +47 70 300 101



Krillsea Group will bring naturally pure and functional marine ingredients and products from the Antarctic ocean and deliver them to customers worldwide. In May 2007 the company was granted a license to fish krill in the CCAMLR area in the Antarctic ocean from the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries. Krillseas factory vessel “Thorshøvdi” is rebuilt as a krill-specialised vessel in all aspects and is equipped with a unique krill harvesting and product processing system. Krillsea develops Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) products for the food, nutraceutical and feed industries - and fisheries through world-class research and novel scientific achievements in on board industrial krill processing and fishing techniques. Krillsea works jointly with the Norwegian University of Life Science (UMB) and Aquaculture Protein Centre (APC) for responsibly and sustainably harvest and process krill. Our approach is to use state of the art, krill adapted technology to obtain highest possible resource utilization with minimal environmental impact. 18-10-2011 /Thomson Reuters - Aker BioMarine has entered into an agreement with Krillsea Group AS to acquire the vessel Thorshøvdi for approximately NOK 138.9 million. As part of the agreement, all creditors of Krillsea Group AS with first, second, or third priority mortgage in the vessel has agreed to release such security. The agreement will be consummated as soon as possible. Friday, 21 Oct 2011 - Aker BioMarine ASA announced completion of the agreement between Krillsea Group AS and the Company regarding acquisition of the krill fishing vessel Thorshovdi. Aker BioMarine ASA purchased the vessel for approximately NOK 138.9 million. 
