Ian Fish S.A.

Domecq Garcia 749 Pto. Madryn , Argentina
Tel: +54 280 447 30 32
Fax: +54 280 447 30 32

Email: info@ianfish.com.ar

Website: http://www.ianfish.com.ar

Ian Fish S.A. It is a fishing company established in 1985 based in Puerto Madryn, Patagonia Argentina. With over 100 employees, is dedicated to the capture, processing and marketing of seafood, mainly shrimp (Pleo? Cus muelleri) and hake (Merluccius hubbsi). Ian Fish S.A. ensures that quality procedures are applied along the entire chain produc? tion, from extraction of raw materials in the Patagonian Sea (FAO 41), an incues environment? onablemente "uncontaminated" to its processing? Erra. In addition, all industrial processes meet the standard?'ll European Union and FDA standards of the United States, allowing supply their products to the most demanding markets worldwide. Ian Fish S.A. He is aware of the importance of long-term relationship with its customers, the promotion of sustainable business development and the quality of their products.
