Webber Naturals - WN Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

2000 Brigantine Dr Coquitlam , Canada
Tel: +1 778-284-7400
Fax: +1 778-284-7401

Website: http://www.webbernaturals.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/webbernaturals

Website: https://twitter.com/webbernaturals

Website: https://www.youtube.com/webbernaturals

We’ve been providing supplements to North American families for more than 50 years. You’ll see webber naturals labels on the shelves of your neighbourhood pharmacy, grocery store, and other well-known retailers. Webber Naturals krill oils from Antarctic krill (Euphasia superba) is now carrying Friend of the Sea seal of approval. The Canadian company has been found compliant with Friend of the Sea sustainability requirements following an assessment audit run by an independent certification body. Webber Naturals Royal Red Krill Oil is available in two potencies -  500mg and 1000mg and can be found in stores across Canada and the U.S.
