JSK Okskaya Sudoverf - Shipyard "OKA"

Proezjaya str. 4/14 Navashino , Russia
Tel: +7 (83175) 26490
Fax: +7 (83175) 22989, 23

Email: oka@sandy.ru

Website: http://eng.osy.ru/

JSC “Okskaya shipyard” is a leading Russian company with all necessary complex of manufacturing facilities sufficient for the construction of medium load-carrying capacity vessels.  The shipyard is situated in Navashino, the town in the south-west of Nizhniy Novgorod region, on the Oka river and linked with major railroads, seaports and inland waterways of the Russian Federation. The company is a part of division VBTH international transport group Universal Cargo Logistics Holding consisting of more than 40 enterprises in Russia, some CIS countries and Europe providing cargo transportation by rail and water in sealed vehicles, their transshipment in Russian ports as well as providing services in logistics and shipbuilding activities. UCL HOLDING is composed of large railway operators with a broad network across Russia, stevedoring companies in the north-west and south of the country, Volga and North-Western Shipping Companies, company “V.F.Tanker”, some shipbuilding and logistics assets. Total area of the shipyard – 528 000 m2. Covered workshop and storage area – 214 000 m2. 
