Elite Seafood

Munkevej 20.A Thisted 7700, Denmark
Whatsapp +45 71206991

We are a dedicated Team from Denmark/Iceland who do high-end products whole fish as filets.
We got our own production on Iceland in Hafnafjørður with hand filleting line were we cut high-quality fish. Mostly on Long liners.
We also do whole fish in bins of for production. We are very good at Cod, Haddock, Saithe, Catfish, Redfish, Plaice, Lemon etc.

Denmark / Norway
We buy fresh fish every day in the markets in Denmark and trade fish from Norway as well. Cod, Skrei, Redfish, Haddock, Plaice, W.Halibut etc. We also supply fresh water fish from Sweden, Estonia, and Poland.