Luis Solimeno e Hijos S.A. - Grupo Solimeno

Ortiz de Zarate 3056 Mar Del Plata , Argentina
Tel: +54 223 480 1554
Fax: +54 223 481 0644



Luis Solimeno e Hijos, was constitutes as a society in 1976. At that time, they built the industrial and coldstorage plant in Mar del Plata city. During that decade, they started to create their own fleet of shore boats. It wasthe first step in their investment plan to obtain the raw material themselves. Nowaday, the company has one of the most importante fishing fleet of the country. It is currently one of the largest fishing companies in the country, employing more than 1,000 people and selling more than 20,000 tons annually. -Irala: Processing plant and refrigerator In 1987, we acquired a new processing plant, a flushing machine and one of the largest flake ice factories in the city, which allows us to guarantee the freshness of the raw material during the production process. -Commercial Fishing: Cold Plant In 1999 we opened in Mar del Plata of FISHERY COMERCIAL, an important refrigeration plant, equipped with the highest technology and with a storage capacity of 3,000 tons of palletized (...) -Solimeno Mare: Processing plant and refrigerator In 2003 our group acquired a modern plant, inaugurated 10 years ago by the firm Zanella Mare. There, over its existing 18,000 m2 of surface, 11,000 were built to meet the needs (...) This plant has been authorized by the National Service of Agricultural Sanity -SENASA-, who is the Argentinian official organization in charge of supervising the observance of the sanitary rules of the country.
