FCS - Froconsur B.V.

Oostergoweg 1 B2 Leeuwarden , Netherlands
Tel: +31 58 216 0057
Fax: +31 58 216 0058
Tel: +31 0 582 160 057

Email: info@froconsur.com

Website: http://www.froconsur.com

Froconsur is a specialist in the import and export of frozen seafood, mainly from Asia and Africa, destined for the European market. We have opted for a refined range in order to be able to inform you as the customer as effectively as possible about our products, so you are always aware of the latest market developments. All our activities are based on a balanced range of fish, crustacean and shellfish products, whereby we take account of our corporate social responsibility. Containers of fish, crustaceans and shellfish are imported on a daily basis from Asia and Africa for the European...
