Principal Duo

Trnavska 45 Cacak , Serbia
Tel: +381 (0) 32 370 790



During 2000, after adopting the attitude of opening towards Europe, and following the global trend of increased consumption of health food and seafood produce, we set up an enterprise dealing exclusively in the sale of fish. Today, the PRINCIPAL DUO company has the annual turnover of USD 6 million in the sales of fish produce. At the moment of making this Internet presentation, the PRINCIPAL DUO company is the largest supplier of fish and fish produce to the Metro "Cash & Carry" out lets a fact that speaks for itself about our desire for an ever-increasing level of the quality of service and for an ever-improving service to our customers. At the moment, the company has around 700 customers of various profiles, including restaurants, hotels, fish shops, supermarkets, wholesales, and others. The company possesses its own cold storage with a capacity of around 800 MT, its own fleet of 20 distribution vehicles, each of which can collect and deliver a cargo of between 1 and 10 MT. We have various types of specialist teams dealing with sales, to suit the needs of various profiles of customers.
