In 2010, a few experienced New England fishermen, a few dedicated chefs and a few seafood lovers sat down to discuss how to put the highest quality, most local and freshest seafood on their customers’ plates. Trace and Trust was born at that meeting. Today, it is a national movement. It is a network of fishermen, distributors, processors and restaurants committed to telling customers exactly who caught their seafood, as well as when, where, and how it got caught. It is a community that believes this level of transparency results in the highest quality and freshest possible seafood you have ever seen.
The network is committed to full transparency across the supply chain -- to ensure the consumer is enjoying the best possible seafood experience from its members.
Provide a platform for consumers and chefs to access information about their local, wild caught seafood. This includes when and where the fish was caught, who caught it, how it was caught, and where it can be purchased.