POORT -Port Orford Ocean Resource Team-

P.O. Box 679 Port Orford , United States of America
Tel: +1 541 332 0627
Fax: +1 541 332 1170

Email: info@oceanresourceteam.org

Website: http://www.oceanresourceteam.org

POORT is a community-initiated and inclusive 501(c)(3) organization founded in 2001. The POORT process is guided by a formal board of five fisherman. The POORT Board functions as the ultimate governing body of the community process and is charged with advancing POORT's vision of a sustainable fishery and healthy marine ecosystem. The POORT process includes formal input from a Community Advisory Team that provides recommendations and expertise to the POORT Board and project partners. Comprised of stakeholders and community leaders, the Team is intended to reflect the interests and concerns of the broader Port Orford community. POORT was created in large part because local fishermen felt disenfranchised from the existing top-down fishery management system during a period of increased restrictions. As a local non-profit organization, POORT works to empower fleet members and other citizens to participate in bottom-up ocean management efforts. These activities include a significant focus on collaborative science and stewardship, as well as marketing of local seafood products.
