The Pew Environmental Group - European Marine Programm

Square du Bastion 1A boîte 5 Brussels , United States of America
Tel: +1 (0)2 274 1620



Pew Environment Group is the conservation arm of The Pew Charitable Trusts, an independent non-profit organization headquartered in Philadelphia and Washington DC, which is dedicated to solving today's most challenging problems through the application of a rigorous, analytical approach to improving public policy, informing the public and stimulating civic life. The mission of Pew Environment Group is to help protect the natural environment and the rich array of life it supports. Our aim is to strengthen environmental policies and practices in ways that produce significant and measurable protection for both terrestrial and marine systems worldwide. In doing so, we work to advance the frontiers of scientific understanding of the causes and consequences of environmental problems, to design innovative policy solutions to these problems and to mobilize public support for implementing strong conservation policies. Our efforts are focused on reducing the scope and severity of three major environmental problems:    1. Dramatic changes to the earth's climate caused by the increasing concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere;    2. The loss of large wilderness ecosystems that contain a great part of the world's remaining biodiversity;     3. The destruction of the world's oceans with a particular emphasis on global
