The Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance’s mission is to restore and enhance an enduring marine system supporting a healthy diversity and an abundance of marine life and human uses through a self-organizing and self-governing organization. For the past decade, we have set the standard for effective collaboration in the pursuit of one question: if we truly care about the health of our oceans does it matter how, where and when we fish; and, who catches the fish that end up on our dinner plates?
The answer is, Definitely!
Building on the organization's history and using a multi-prong approach, we have built programs that will transform:
The market for seafood toward one that is locally based and supports local, small-scale fishermen and fishing communities.
Decision-making processes and policies toward ones that are grounded in the fishing communities, and are based on sound science and the need for a healthy marine ecosystem.
Management decisions towards one that are nimbly adaptive to changing environments and are based on principles of precautionary action.
The audience paying attention to ocean issues to one that reaches farmers, consumers and advocates of local food production.
Fisheries management policies to include the impact of persistent pollutants and climate change on rebuilding our marine resources.