William Martin Christensen founded the company Christensen s.r.l. in 1989. The company main activity was at that time, representing Scandinavian engineering firms providing machinery and supplies for fish processing industry on board and on shore.
In 1992 company was awarded by H.R.H Prince Henrik of Denmark with the "Dansk Arbejde".
We implemented several changes in the fishing methods and fish processing in Argentina, as being the firsts to use slurry ice on board of factory trawlers, automation of shrimp processing on board of freezer trawlers, develop the bottom long line fishery for Toothfish just to name some. Engineering consulting jobs where also done abroad including Uruguay, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Falklands Islands, USA and Norway.
Presently we represent O.Mustad & soen A.S., TRIO food processing machinery, Marel-Scanvaegt International A.S., KM Fish Machinery, Geoeye -Seastar (oceanographic satellite information for fishing boats), Beck Pack Systems, Machinefabriek Amersfoort b.V. to name some.