Krifo Havbruk AS - Krifo Fisk AS

Roan havn - P.O.Box 13 Roan , Norway
Tel: +47 72 53 78 00
Fax: +47 72 53 78 22



SalMar (Public, ETR:JEP) is one of the world's largest salmon producers. The Company has 54 wholly-owned ordinary licences for marine production of Atlantic salmon in Norway; 40 licences in SalMar Farming AS located in the Company's principal producing region in Mid-Norway (Trøndelag, Nord-Møre) and14 licences in Troms through SalMar's wholly owned subsidiary Senja Sjøfarm AS. In addition, SalMar owns 50% of Norskott Havbruk AS, which owns 100% of Scottish Sea Farms Ltd. Scottish Sea Farms is Great Britain's second-largest salmon farmer with production capacity in excess of 30,000 tonnes gutted weight.
