AROGA - Asociacion de Productores de Rodaballo de Galicia

Apdo. Correos 126 - Punta de Couso s/n Aguiño - Ribeira , Spain
Tel: +34 981 841 600
Fax: +34 981 841 516



AROGA is the Asociación de Productores de Rodaballo de Galicia which belong to eight companies that have their most important production centers in Galicia. These are: ACUIDORO, S.L.  AQUACRIA AROUSA, S.L. INSUIÑA, S.L.  LUSO HISPANA DE ACUICULTURA, S.L.  PISCICOLA DEL MORRAZO, S.A.  PUNTA MOREIRAS, S.L. STOLT SEA FARM , S.A. The unique setting representing the Galician coast has made the cultivation of turbot farms, which stretch along the coastline of autonomy, have the best element in our fish are developing: quality and temperature of our waters. This coupled with the expertise of our companies has helped to achieve leadership in the commercialization of farming turbot. Thus, the marketing of our companies representing 85% in Spain and 60% in Europe.
