FEDERPESCA - Federazione Nazionale delle Impresa di Pesca

Via Emilio dè Cavalieri, 7 Roma , Italia
Tel: +39 06/85.20.81
Fax: +39 06/

Email: federpesca@federpesca.it

Website: http://www.federpesca.it

Founded in 1968 and since then member of Confindustria, associated, represents and protects the owners of the Italian fisheries and enterprises in the fishing industry in the public service, Parliament and the European Union. E 'party to the Maritime and Fisheries Negotiable Negotiable Retif of mechanics. In one with the unions workers, Federpesca is part of the National Fisheries and Fisheries of The Bilateral (E.BI.PESCA) for the management of institutions under the regulatory CCNL Fisheries. Federpesca, through the company "Federpesca RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT SRL, this wholly owned subsidiary, conducts research and training in the field, with an explicit call for the internationalization of businesses associated with fishing. In Europe, representing companies in the Italian fishing EUROPECHE, the Association of National Organisations of Fishing Enterprises of the EU countries. And promoter of FEDEROP.IT, Association of Organisations of Manufacturers of Fishing Italian, recognized by a Decree of the Minister of Agriculture and Forestry. Associated enterprises, about 2,200, engaged in the activity of fishing, processing and marketing of fisheries products, the production of networks, equipment and services for fishing and national unions are structured category: Sindacato nazionale armatori della pesca costiera e mediterranea Sindacato nazionale armatori della pesca Oceanica Sindacato nazionale delle attività industriali della filiera ittica e dei retificifatte salve le eventuali competenze di associazioni categoria aderenti al sistema confederale.
