Unifish Canning S.A.

Av. Gran Bretaña 825 Talcahuano , Chile
Tel: +56 2 4301800
Fax: +56 2 430 1888-
Tel: +56 41 546 048
Fax: +56 41 545 672

Email: consorcio@cannex.cl

Website: http://www.cannex.cl

Website: http://fis.com/unifish

UNIFISH CANNING S.A located minutes from port of Talcahuano, THE WORLD'S biggest fishing port, is supplied by a fleet of 10,000 cubic meters of CELLARS, of which 3,000 cubic meters, it is for REFRIGERATED WAREHOUSES FISHERIES MAINTAINING A HIGH DEGREE OF FRESHNESS, THANKS TO ITS LOW TEMPERATURE STORAGE, achieved by the chilled water circulator. This added to the highest technology in canning, the conditions are optimal for UNIFISH CANNING S.A in a first line Their production lines MASD PRODUCE BOXES OF CANNED 1,500,000 PER YEAR, WHICH ENSURES A LARGE STOCK MARKETS TO PROVIDE IN THE FORM CONTINUES GROWING DEMAND FOR THESE PRODUCTS. Its wide open building spaces enables consolidation simultenaeous of 4 containers and dispatch 16 container/day. VERSATILITY FOR PRODUCTION LINE THAT HAS UNIFISH CANNING SA, resource processing can be packaged in different formats, depending on the specifications and requirements of customers.  PRODUCTION OF CANNED IN BRINE, VEGETABLE OIL, in their natural juice, TOMATO SAUCE, MUSTARD, SPICY SAUCE AND OTHERS ARE MADE ESPECIALLY FOR INDIVIDUAL REQUIREMENTS different markets that are supplied by UNIFISH CANNING SA
