SENAR -Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje Rural- Administração Regional do Estado de Mato Grosso

Rua Engº Edgard Prado Arze, S/N Cuiabá , Brazil
Tel: +55 65 3928 4400
Fax: +55 65 3928 4808



The National Rural Training - Regional Administration of the State of Mato Grosso - SENAR-AR/MT, is a body of private law and decentralized implementation of the actions of Rural Vocational Training and Social Promotion of Rural Workers, under art. 1 of Law No. 8315 of December 23, 1991. The SENAR bases its actions on principles and guidelines established by the International Labour Organization - ILO, the policies of the Inter-American Center for Research and Documentation on Vocational Training - CINTERFOR formulated during meetings of technical committees, the policies of the Ministries of Labour and Agriculture and the guidelines issued by the CNA.
