Alimentos Mar Profundo S.A.

Avda. Océano pacifico #3679 - Parque Industrial Coronel , Chile
Tel: +56 41 285 4610
Fax: +56 41 285 4617



Alimentos Mar Profundo Inc. is a Chilean company founded in 1995 by Del Rio, Arteaga and Cornejo families. Its mission is to elaborate marine products with high quality standards, to satisfy the demanding national and international consumers. In 2007, the company’s control goes to Mr. Domingo Arteaga Echeverria and Guillermo Cornejo Bustamante’s hands. They have their processing plant located in one of the most generous and diverse fishing resources in the world, the Bio Bio region, Chile. The most recognized products of our company are: Mackerel and Horse Mackerel (Scomber Japonicus Peruanus and Trachurus Murphy) in 1 pound Tall, with different sauces like brine, tomato sauce, oil and others, sardine (Ethmidium Maculatum) in 1 pound tall jars and sardines (Clupea Bentincki) in ¼club containers, shredded in Tall and RO-200 containers, mackerel and horse mackerel fillets in pouch bags and several other products according to orders. Our Company also has been marked as making important and high quality maquilas such as in Pesquera Camanchaca Inc. which now can serve to other businesses of this kind.
