RAFTS - Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland

Capital Business Centre, 24 Canning Street Edinburgh , United Kingdom
Tel: +44 0131 272 2797
Fax: +44 0131 272 2800
Tel: +44 131 272 2797
Fax: +44 131 272 2800

Email: general@asfb.org.uk

Email: info@rafts.org.uk

Website: http://www.asfb.org.uk

Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Asfb-Rafts/206699356016573

Website: https://twitter.com/asfb_scotland/

Website: http://www.rafts.org.uk

Formed in 2005, Rivers and Fisheries Trusts of Scotland (RAFTS) is a leading independent freshwater conservation charity representing Scotland's national network of  rivers and fisheries Trusts and Foundations. RAFTS is a Scottish Charity and as an unincorporated association manages a range of core objectives, including representing it's 22 member Trusts and Foundations. The fishery and river trust network represent a collective resource of professional knowledge and practical expertise, employing 35 full time fisheries managers and biologists around Scotland and an extended network of volunteers.   RAFTS' core objective is the 'Conservation and enhancement of native freshwater fish and their environments in Scotland'.  
