Traceability process to find a product or service from its inception to its destruction, is now a key issue for businesses. They must put in place effective systems to effectively remove defective products.
GS1 offers a range of standards that are used in total by more than 20 industries in 150 countries: a million companies of all sizes run more than 8 billion tones per day. For this, these companies use the products, solutions and technologies produced by GS1 including:
The bar code;
EDI: Electronic Data Interchange
E-Com: electronic commerce
Electronic catalogs: all catalogs certified is the GDSN (Global Data Synchronization Network or)
The radio frequency tag: GS1 EPCglobal standard (for Electronic Product Code), deployed by the standard RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Data). RFID is an automatic identification technology that contains a microchip associated with an antenna and attached to an object. It is possible to remotely read information contained in the chip
Traceability: Standard GS1-128.
La traçabilité, processus qui permet de retrouver un produit ou un service depuis sa création jusqu’à sa destruction, est aujourd’hui un enjeu incontournable pour les entreprises. Celles-ci doivent mettre en place des systèmes performants pour retirer efficacement les produits défectueux.